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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Processing Cash Flow Payment



All payments (cash out) that have been authorized at Cash flow/Entry/Payments/Authorize  need to be processed. This page displays all authorized payments and allows you to process those payments.

Menu path

Cash flow/Entry/Payments/Process

Roles & rights

To process payments, function right 454 – Allows approval of payment terms is required. Users with the General Manager have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to display the results according to the defined criteria.

Note: Once you have clicked this button, the name of the button will change to Refresh.


Click this to update the results according to the defined criteria.


Click this to clear the defined criteria so that you can start a new search.


Click this to exit.


Criteria section


Select a division to display the payments that need to be processed or have already been processed for that division. By default, the division of the login user is displayed. For more information, see Creating Division .

Group by

Select the grouping method to group the results. You can choose to group by Details, Payment reference, Debtor, Creditor, or PO/SO.


Select the required check boxes to display the payments according to the selected statuses:

·         Already authorized - Select this check box to display payments that have already been authorized but not yet processed.

·         Payments in transit - Select this check box to display payments that are already authorized and processed.

Payment date

Type or select the payment date or range of payment dates. The payments that need to be processed or have already been processed will be displayed for dates within this range.

Invoice date

Type or select the invoice date or range of invoice dates. The payments that need to be processed or have already been processed will be displayed for dates within this range.

Note: The following button is available only if there is data displayed in the results section.


Select a payment and click Process to process the payment.


Click at the title bar to customize the fields or sections. You can add or remove existing criteria based on your preferences by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. Click Save to save the settings, Reset to clear the selections, or Close to exit without saving.

Related document

·         Authorizing Cash Flow Payment

·         Creating Cash Instrument

·         Creating Division




 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.496.246
 Assortment:  Date: 21-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: